Discover Wonder, Ambrosia Inaugural Box

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
― W.B. Yeats
Hello AmbRoses,
This box is the beginning of your AmbRose journey, our community of women looking to elevate their moments of me-time from the comfort of their home.
Wonder is the theme of the first Ambrosia box, a feeling that we too often neglect in our busy lives. When I chose this theme, I felt it best expressed the excitement of introducing Ambrosia to you. Wonder is an emotion that we feel from our earliest stages of life. It encourages our desire to explore. My wish is that through our Ambrosia box, you will receive that flush of wonder and be ready to start a journey of self-discovery.
Wonder can be elusive and hard to capture, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to grasp it however and whenever we can. Each item and element in this box is curated with Wonder in mind. This first Ambrosia box is a visual and reflective journey — from our exclusive tote bag and intention card illustrated by artist Maitreyi Doshi, to a sensory journey through self-care essentials such as the velvety Milanesi Skincare Nourishing Cream, the opulent Sweet Orange Honey Body Scrub by Scentsational Journeys, the playful Yummycado Face Mask by Everyday For Future and the cuddling Ada Lip Beauty Lip Scrub.
How can you not feel Wonder-ful!
So now, get comfortable and prepare to revel in the best experience in self-care.
Switch off your Slack notifications, order takeout, dim the lights.
Get ready to unwrap, indulge and care.